Table of Contents |
Triggers can help you automate certain processes in the chatbot. For example, when a user has opted-in for email you might want to sync this data with a CRM or Google Sheet.
You can enable or disable them by pressing the slider on the left of the actual trigger
You can edit the trigger settings. Inside of here you also have the option to delete the trigger entirely
Here is a list of triggers and how to use it:
New user
This Trigger is used when a new bot user enters the bot. This will not work when a user is created manually.
User Subscribed to Bot
This trigger happens when a Bot_User has subscribed to the bot.
User Unsubscribed from Bot
This trigger happens when a Bot_User has unsubscribed to the bot.
User Opted-in for Email
This trigger happens when a Bot_User has Opted-in for Email either manually or by flow
User Opted-out for Email
This trigger happens when a Bot_User has Opted-out for Email either manually or by flow.
User Opted-in for SMS
This trigger happens when a Bot_User has Opted-in for SMS either manually or by flow
User Opted-out for SMS
This trigger happens when a Bot_User has Opted-out for SMS either manually or by flow
Conversation is Open
This trigger happens when a Bot_User conversation is moved to the Open folder in livechat
Conversation is Pending
This trigger happens when a Bot_user conversation is moved to the Pending folder in livechat
Conversation is Done
This trigger conversation is moved to the Done folder in livechat
Conversation is Invalid
This trigger conversation is moved to the Invalid folder in livechat
Chat assigned to an agent
This triggers when Bot_user is assigned to the Agent either manually or by flow
User field value changed
This triggers when a certain specified userfield value is changed for a bot user
Moved to board
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Error logged
Tag Added
This triggers when Tag added to Bot_user
Tag Removed
This triggers when Tag applied to Bot_user is removed.
Label Added
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Label Removed
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Subscribed to sequence
This triggers when Bot_user is subscribed to sequence
Unsubscribed from sequence
This triggers a sub-flow, when Bot_user is unsubscribed from sequence.
Date/Time based trigger
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Order Paid
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Order Processing
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Order Shipped
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Order Completed
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Order Cancelled
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Order Refunded
You can find more detail about this trigger here
WhatsApp Welcome Message
You can find more detail about this trigger here
WhatsApp Order Received
You can find more detail about this trigger here
WhatsApp Product Enquiry
You can find more detail about this trigger here
WhatsApp Ad Referral
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Facebook Ad Referral
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Facebook LeadGen
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Stripe Invoice Payment Succeeded
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Stripe Invoice Payment Failed
You can find more detail about this trigger here
CRM V2 Webhook
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Shopify Webhook
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Woocommerce Webhook
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Guest Chat Ended
This triggers a subflow, when the Guest Bot_user ends his conversation, This is helpful for webchat channel for deleting guest users
Calendly - Booked
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Calendly - Rescheduled
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Calendly - Cancelled
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Mentioned in Story
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Story Replied
You can find more detail about this trigger here
Media Post Shared
You can find more detail about this trigger here