Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Info |
Example - An email verification API, TheChecker (opens new window)will be used as an example for how to create and edit a Mini-App. |
To create an app, follow steps 1 to 6 in the above screenshot.
This block is for setting authentications of your App.
Name | Data Type | Description |
type | enum | Supported value: APIKEY |
params | array | Values required from users when installing e.g. API key |
request | object | Send requests with parameters (e.g. email, api_key) and map the response to params (e.g. token) |
connection | object | List of request headers or parameters |
Email Verification Example
At the bottom, click "Get product" for a GET request example, and "Update product" for a POST request example. The type of forms and requests are objects, therefore it needs to set several attributes.
Name | Data Type | Description |
name | string | Identify the action, must be unique |
title | string | Action title shown when using the app |
description | string | Action description shown when using the app |
forms | array | List of form objects for action configuration |
requests | array | List of request objects to be performed in succession |
Form Object
Name | Data Type | Description |
name | string | Field name, used as an identifier and variable inside request |
type | enum | Value type, used for validation, supported values: string, text, number and select |
title | string | Field title, displayed in UI |
default | string | Default value for this field, If specified, the field becomes optional |
source | string | Name of the source in Sources block, only for type=select |
placeholder | string | the grey prompt shown in the field |
description | string | the prompt appears below the field |
Lines in Text Variable
Info |
TIP - The difference between string and text form type is that, string will remove the newline in the variable while text will keep it. |
Request Object
Name | Data Type | Description |
url | string | Request URL |
method | enum | HTTP request method, supported values: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS |
headers | array | List of request headers in key value pair, e.g. |
payload | json | Request body |
body_format | enum | Request body format, supported values: json, query, form, multipart, raw |
mapping | array | Set of fields for request results mapping into custom fields |
Mapping Object
Name | Data Type | Description |
name | string | Field name, used as identifier |
type | enum | Field type, supported values: text, number, boolean, date, datetime, array |
title | array | Field name, displayed in UI |
path | string | String in a JSON path format |
Email Verification Example
Info |
TIP - You can remove the "api_key" in the URL because we've already added it in the Auth block. |
App UI:
Other Examples
Note |
Note - sources block is optional, depending on the type of form objects in the Actions block. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
name | string | Identify the source |
type | enum | Source type, supported values: enum:rpc, enum:static |
list | array | List of fixed options shown when using the App. Only for type=enum:static |
request | object | Request object when the source is dynamic. Only for type=enum:rpc |
Mapping Object in the Request Object
Name | Data Type | Description |
type | enum | Field type, supported value: select |
path | string | String in a JSON path format, for response data array |
value | string | String in a JSON path format based on the |
label | string | String in a JSON path format based on the |
Forms in Actions block:
Info |
TIP - the request object in dynamic sources has been explained in the Action block, check parameters details of the request object. |
App UI:
By setting triggers, users can use the triggers from the automation section like any other built-in triggers shown in the above screenshot.
Please note that the trigger name has to be:
in lower case
unique in the trigger list
no space, you can separate words by underscores
Context is where you list all the pre-set variables when data coming in.