Authorization: Bearer {access token}
API Endpoints
Flow | |
/flow/subflows | Used to fetch all the subflows present in a bot |
/flow/bot-users-count | Provides a count of all bot users present in the bot |
/flow/agents | Fetches a list of all agents available in the workspace |
Flow Tag | |
/flow/tags | Fetches a lis of all the tags available in the bot |
/flow/create-tag | Creates a new tag |
/flow/delete-tag | Deletes an existing tag using tag NS |
/flow/delete-tag-by-name | Deletes an existing tag using tag’s name |
Flow User Field | |
/flow/user-fields | Fetches all the user fields available in the bot |
/flow/create-user-field | Creates a new userfield |
/flow/delete-user-field | Deletes a user field using varNS |
/flow/delete-user-field-by-name | Deletes a user field using userfield name |
Flow Bot Field | |
/flow/bot-fields | Fetches all the bot fields available in the bot |
/flow/create-bot-field | Creates a new botfield |
/flow/set-bot-field | Updates the value of a botfield using varNS |
/flow/set-bot-field-by-name | Updates the value of a botfield using botfield name |
/flow/set-bot-fields | Updates multiple bot fields using varNS |
/flow/set-bot-fields-by-name | Updates multiple botfields using botfield names |
/flow/delete-bot-field | Deletes an existing botfield |
/flow/delete-bot-field-by-name | Deletes an existing botfield using botfield name |
Flow Segments | |
/flow/segments | Fetches a list of all segments available in a flow in a bot |
Flow Custom Event | |
/flow/custom-events | Fetches a list of all custom events in a bot |
/flow/custom-events/summary | Provides a summary of all custom events |
Flow Conversation | |
| Fetches conversation data for a flow (agent assigns, no of Opens, Close etc |
Whatsapp Template | |
/whatsapp-template/list | Fetches a list of all Whatsapp templates available |
/whatsapp-template/create | Creates a new whatsapp template |
/whatsapp-template/delete | Deletes an existing template |
/whatsapp-template/sync | Syncs all templates from Business Manager with UChat |
Subscriber | |
/subscribers | Fetches a list of all subscribed bot users |
/subscriber/get-info | Fetches a specific subscribed bot user using UserNS |
/subscriber/get-info-by-user-id | Fetches a specific subscribed bot user using User ID |
/subscriber/create | Creates a bot user |
/subscriber/update | Updates a bot user |
/subscriber/delete | Deletes a bot user |
/subscriber/add-tag | Adds a tag to a bot user |
/subscriber/add-tags | Add multiple tags to a bot user |
/subscriber/add-tag-by-name | Add a tag by name to a bot user |
/subscriber/add-tags-by-name | Add multiple tags by names to a bot user |
/subscriber/remove-tag | Remove a tag from a bot user |
/subscriber/remove-tags | Remove multiple tags from bot user |
/subscriber/remove-tag-by-name | Remove a tag by name from a bot user |
/subscriber/remove-tags-by-name | Remove multiples tags by names from a bot user |
/subscriber/add-labels-by-name | Add multiple labels by names to a bot user |
/subscriber/remove-labels-by-name | Remove multiple labels by names to a bot user |
/subscriber/set-user-field | Update a userfield for a bot user |
/subscriber/set-user-fields | Update multiple user fields for a bot user |
/subscriber/set-user-field-by-name | Update a user field by name for a bot user |
/subscriber/set-user-fields-by-name | Update multiple user fields by name for a bot user |
/subscriber/clear-user-field | Clear a userfield for a bot user |
/subscriber/clear-user-fields | Clear multiple user fields for a bot user |
/subscriber/clear-user-field-by-name | Clear user field by name for a bot user |
/subscriber/clear-user-fields-by-name | Clear multiple user fields by name for a bot user |
/subscriber/pause-bot | Pauses automation for a bot user |
/subscriber/resume-bot | Resumes automation for a bot user |
/subscriber/move-chat-to | Changes the conversation status of a bot user (done, pending etc) |
/subscriber/assign-agent | Assigns an agent to the bot user |
/subscriber/unassign-agent | Removes an agent from a bot user |
/subscriber/log-custom-event | Logs a custom event for the bot user |
/subscriber/chat-messages | Fetches all chat messages for a bot user |
/subscriber/chat-messages-by-mids | Fetches all chat messages by mids for a bot user |
Sending | |
/subscriber/send-main-flow | Sends the main flow to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-sub-flow | Sends a subflow to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-sub-flow-by-flow-name | Sends a subflow by name to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-sub-flow-by-user-id | Sends a subflow to a bot user using their user ID |
/subscriber/broadcast | Sends a broadcast to bot users |
/subscriber/broadcast-by-user-id | Sends a broadcast by user IDs of bot user |
/subscriber/broadcast-by-tag | Sends a broadcast to all users with a specific tag |
/subscriber/broadcast-by-segment | Sends a broadcast to all users with a specific segment |
/subscriber/send-content | Sends content to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-text | Sends a text message to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-sms | Sends an SMS to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-node | Sends a node to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-whatsapp-template | Sends a whatsapp template to a bot user |
/subscriber/send-whatsapp-template-by-user-id | Sends a whatsapp template to a bot user using User ID (Whatsapp number) |
Mini Apps | |
/subscriber/app-trigger | Triggers an trigger action of a miniapp installed |
Ecommerce | |
/subscriber/cart | Fetches the cart of a bot user |
/subscriber/empty-cart | Clears the cart of a bot user |
/subscriber/add-to-cart | Adds a product to the cart of a bot user |
/subscriber/remove-from-cart | Removes a product from the cart of a bot user |
/subscriber/cart-paid | Marks the cart of a bot user paid |
/subscriber/update-order-status | Updates the order status of a bot user |
/shop/discount-codes | Fetches all discounts |
/shop/discount-codes/{codeId}/get-info | Fetches a specific discount |
/shop/discount-codes/get-info-by-code | Fetches a specific discount by code |
/shop/discount-codes/create | Create a new discount code |
/shop/discount-codes/{codeId}/update | Updates a discount code |
/shop/discount-codes/{codeId}/delete | Deletes a discount code |
/shop/discount-codes/delete-by-code | Deletes a discount code by code |
/shop/orders | Fetches all orders |
/shop/orders/{orderId}/get-info | Fetch a specific order |
/shop/products | Fetches all products |
/shop/products/{productId}/get-info | Fetches a specific product |
/shop/products/create | Creates a product |
/shop/products/{productId}/update | Updates a specific product |
/shop/products/{productId}/delete | Deletes a specific product |
/shop/product-tags | Fetches all product tags |
/shop/product-tags/{tagId}/get-info | Fetches a specific product tag |
/shop/product-tags/create | Creates a specific product tag |
/shop/product-types/{typeId}/update | Updates a product type |
/shop/product-types/{typeId}/delete | Deletes a product type |
/shop/product-vendors | Fetches all product vendors |
/shop/product-vendors/{vendorId}/get-info | Fetches a specific vendor |
/shop/product-vendors/create | Creates a vendor |
/shop/product-vendors/{vendorId}/update | Updates a specific vendor |
/shop/product-vendors/{vendorId}/delete | Deletes a specific vendor |
/shop/locations | Fetches all locations |
/shop/locations/{locationId}/get-info | Fetches a specific location |
/shop/locations/create | Creates a location |
/shop/locations/{locationId}/update | Updates a location |
/shop/locations/{locationId}/delete | Deletes a specific location |
/shop/products/{productId}/variants | Fetches variants of a specific product |
/shop/products/{productId}/variants/{variantId}/get-info | Fetches a specific variant of a specific product |
/shop/products/{productId}/variants/{variantId}/update | Updates a specific variant of a specific product |
/shop/products/{productId}/variants/{variantId}/delete | Deletes a specific variant of a specific product |
Templates | |
/templates | Fetches all flow templates |
/template/{templateNs}/generate-one-time-link | Generate one time link for a template |
Team Label | |
/team/labels | Fetches all labels |
/flow/create-label | Creates a new label |
/team/delete-label | Deletes an existing label |
/team/delete-label-by-name | Deletes an existing label by name |
Ticket Lists | |
| Fetches a lists of all available ticket lists |
| Fetches a list of all the fields available inside a specific list |
| Fetches a list of all the items/tickets currently in a specific list |
| Fetches the data of all the changes the list went through (items coming in/out/ etc) |
| Creates a ticket inside a list |
| Updates a ticket inside a list |
| Deletes a ticket inside a list |
Integration | |
/integration/shopify | Fetch, Set, or Delete a shopify integration |
/integration/woocommerce | Fetch, Set or Delete a woocommerce integration |
/integration/openai | Fetch, Set or Delete an OpenAI integration |
/integration/s3storage | Fetch, Set or Delete a S3 Storage integration |
Open AI | |
/openai-embeddings | Fetches all embeddings |
/openai-embeddings/{id}/get-info | Fetching a specific embedding |
/openai-embeddings/create | Creates a new embedding |
/openai-embeddings/{id}/update | Updates a new embedding |
/openai-embeddings/{id}/delete | Deletes an existing embedding |
/openai-embeddings/import | Import Embeddings |
/openai-embeddings/generate | Generate Embeddings |
Workspace | |
/flow-summary | Fetches the summary of flows (users, analytics) |
/flow-agent-summary | Fetches agents summary (analytics) |
/team-bot-users | Fetches bot users irrespective of the bot in the workspace |
/team-flows | Get a list of bots in the workspace |
/team-members | Get a list of members in the workspace |
User | |
/me | Get the current user that generated the token |
The api has limits of 1000 api calls per hour