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Global Errors
UChat also offers add-on to increase the timeout limits, the cost is $20 per month to increase 10 seconds more. You can stack on the add-on. You can find more about it here:
Error: “Data Store Error: Connection is not verified”
To resolve this, make sure that the body of the notification is not blank. If the body consists out of a custom field then check the bot user to see if that custom field populated properly.
Error: “Broadcast failed, Bot user unsubscribed”
There can be several other reasons as well. This could happen if you installed a template and the google sheet was not copied to your own account.
This can happen if your workspace does not have google sheets integrated yet and thus the installation of the template was not able to install a copy of the used google sheet to your account
Make sure you connect your Google account in Integration -> Data/File Storage, and also select the correct spreadsheet in the Google sheet action.
The UChat servers time out after 15 seconds. The solution is to make sure the API call is completed within 15 seconds. If you want to increase this limit, you can do so by purchasing an add-on here:
Note: You can handle this error within your flow using the response code “0”
You can purchase the timeout expansion here:
Please note, it’s $20 per month for every 10 seconds extra. The add-on is at the bot level. For example, if you want to increase the limit by 30 seconds, then change the quantity to 3 from the above payment link and it will cost you 60$ per month.
If you are using a user custom field - variable in the card title, you will need to make sure the variable has the value. you can check this by looking at the bot user overview and select the bot user which has the error triggered for. Ensure that the custom field used for the card title has any value. If not then it means your steps before this node have an issue you need to troubleshoot somewhere
Otherwise, you will see the error. If you are using a user custom field in the card title, you can use the condition check before sending the card, and notify the admin if there is any issue like this.
First of all, Only support the tables with auto-increment primary key id
Also, Once the table is synced to UChat, we don’t delete the synced table even if it's deleted in your Postgresql database.
500/day - Included -› 15K requests/per month
1000/day - $20 per month -› 30K requests/per month
2000/day - $40 per month -› 60K requests/per month
3000/day - $60 per month -› 90K requests/per month
4000/day - $80 per month -› 120K requests/per month
5000/day - $100 per month -› 150K requests/per month
10000/day - $200 per month -› 300K requests/per month
Payment link:
You can select how many add-on they want to purchase, and every unit means 1000 requests per day, cost is $20 per month.
Unsupported post request. Object with ID '100343472848953' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at
When you connect the channel to our platform. There is a screen that allows you to give the permission we need. please make sure you select all the permission that is asked on that screen.
You can learn more information here:
Error: “Sending payload: 1545041 (#551) This person isn't available at the moment”
Either the user generated a lot of errors on our end or The user might block your bot, so the message will not be delivered.
Learn more information:
Error: “You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action”
· comments made by anyone on a review
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Error: “Connecting different FB pages to different workspaces using 1 FB account”
the below video is recorded to be sent to users who have this specific issue and only them since we openly do not promote this procedure
Make sure you select all the pages that are connected to UChat platform, even if it shows the error message, like “xx page is connected to xx workspace”, this shouldn’t matter.
For the instagram user, you can capture the user’s email or phone number, and you can reach out to the user through email or SMS even they are out of 24 hour window.
More information here:
The solution is to use a condition like the screenshot below, and make sure you are always reaching the user who interacts with your chatbot for the past 24 hours, and using different methods to reach out to the user who are out of the 24 hour interaction window.
The reason for this is, facebook has a rate limit that You can only send one opt-in request per week with the same, specific title to a person. This includes the default value of "Updates and promotions".
So if you are testing the recurring notification request, you might receive the message when it’s first time trigger, but it might not trigger in the following test.
Do not send duplicate opt in requests to a person. A duplicate opt in request is defined as having the same title for notifications from a Facebook Page or the same title and image_url for notifications from an Instagram Professional account
You can only send in opt in requests during the standard messaging window
If a person opts in to marketing messages, this action does not open a standard messaging window
You can only see if a person has opted in to receiving marketing messages but not the statuses for pending opt in requests
If a person has chosen to stop receiving marketing messages, your notifications will no longer be delivered to that person and you will receive an error
A person can block, mute, or report your messaging
For marketing messages sent from an Instagram Professional account, generally, up to 10 opt-in requests for different titles can be sent per user over a 7 day period. A sub-limit of up to 5 opt-in requests may be sent to a user in a day. However, you should consider whether users are likely to find each opt-in request relevant and valuable before sending.
These requirements and limitations are subject to change as we are always striving for the best user and business experience. More information:
Error: “1893016 Calls to this API have exceeded the rate limit”
The reason for this is, facebook has a rate limit that You can only send one opt-in request per week with the same, specific title to a person. This includes the default value of "Updates and promotions".
So if you are testing the recurring notification request, you might receive the message when it’s first time trigger, but it might not trigger in the following test.
Do not send duplicate opt in requests to a person. A duplicate opt in request is defined as having the same title for notifications from a Facebook Page or the same title and image_url for notifications from an Instagram Professional account
You can only send in opt in requests during the standard messaging window
If a person opts in to marketing messages, this action does not open a standard messaging window
You can only see if a person has opted in to receiving marketing messages but not the statuses for pending opt in requests
If a person has chosen to stop receiving marketing messages, your notifications will no longer be delivered to that person and you will receive an error
A person can block, mute, or report your messaging
For marketing messages sent from an Instagram Professional account, generally, up to 10 opt-in requests for different titles can be sent per user over a 7 day period. A sub-limit of up to 5 opt-in requests may be sent to a user in a day. However, you should consider whether users are likely to find each opt-in request relevant and valuable before sending.
These requirements and limitations are subject to change as we are always striving for the best user and business experience. More details here:
WhatsApp Channel Common Errors
We were unable to upload the media for one or more reasons, such as an unsupported media type. Refer to the error.error_data.details value for more information about why we were unable to upload the media.
You can check the URL you are using, and make sure the file url starts with https, and ends with the file format at the end of URL, and also this media file should be always publicly accessible.
Blocked by Integrity. Integrity requirements not met
If you see this error message, this message can be triggered if you are trying to use “WhatsApp Flow” feature, you will need to check if your meta business manager is verified or not.
For certain feature like WhatsApp Flow, meta requires verified business manager to get access.
Error: “Sending payload: 2018062 (#100)”
Learn more information here:
Error: “Message failed to send because there are restrictions on how many messages can be sent from this phone number”
The message could not be sent. You do not have enough funds on your conversation prepaid balance to engage in any paid conversation. Please proceed to -> 'Insights & Billing' in order to top up your balance and optionally enable auto-renewal, which will prevent you from running out of funds in the future.
When you connect your WhatsApp account, you need to select all the permission required. Here is a video to explain in details:
Error: “Required parameter is missing - Error code 131008”
Learn more information here:
Error: “WhatsApp Message Template not found”
Message was not sent as part of an experiment. See Marketing Message Experiment.
Learn more here:
Error: “Message failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number”
Learn more information here:
Error: “Error validating access token”
Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
Users who connected to WhatsApp have changed their password on their Facebook account. As a security measure Meta logs out all third-party platforms so reconnect once to establish the connection again will resolve the issue
The solution is to reconnect the channel. Because the user might have changed their password, so the previous token is not valid anymore.
Check your quality status in the WhatsApp Manager and see the Quality-Based Rate Limits documentation for more information.
Confirm with the recipient that they agree to be contacted by you over WhatsApp and are using the latest version of WhatsApp.
Learn more information:
Error: “#200 permission error - WhatsApp Cloud API”
This error is because the user doesn't give enough permission. Reference video below to solve the issue:
Error: “Message not sent because outside 24 hours”
There aren't any good options to reach the Instagram user if they are outside of a 24 hour window.
More information here:
Error: “Message Undeliverable”
Confirm with the recipient that they agree to be contacted by you over WhatsApp and are using the latest version of WhatsApp.
Learn more information:
Error: “Message undeliverable - Code 131026”
See the endpoint's reference to determine which parameters are supported and how they are spelled.
Ensure when setting the business public key, it is a valid 2048-bit RSA public key in PEM format.
Ensure there is no mismatch between the phone number id you are registering and a previously stored phone number id.
Make sure your template has been approved and the template name and language locale are correct. Please ensure you follow message template guidelines.
Error: “(#131053) Downloading media from weblink failed with https code 401, Unauthorized”
There aren't any good options to reach the Instagram user if they are outside of a 24-hour window. A work around is to gather the email of the user and reach them out via email.
More information here:
Webchat/Omnichannel Errors
So by default, Twilio has some Geo-location restrictions if you want to call or send SMS internationally.
so you will need to enable Geo permission for your Twilio number:
These are easily accessible from your twilio dashboard.