What is this setting for?
For partners, we offer 3 plans by default, you can customerize these plans to your own need. What will happen if the user reach to the plan limits?
For the workspace under the partner domain, once the plan limits is reached, no matter it’s bot users, or bots, members, the workspace will be paused.
Your customer will have the options to:
Upgrade to the higher plan, and then the bot will resume if the current limits is within the higher plan limits.
Purchase points and then use the points to purchase the add-ons they need. Once the plan limit is increased, their workspace will resume.
Adjust and keep within plan limits: Your customer can delete extra bot, extra member, etc to stay within the plan limits.
So this add-on credit billing is very flexible for your customer. They can have their own plan limits beside the 3 default plans.
They can just purchase 1 extra bot instead of upgrading to a much higher plan with 5 extra bots which they don’t use.
Also, If they only need 1000 extra bot users, and they don’t need to upgrade to the higher plan which offers 50,000 bot users.
And lastly, the partner will be released from communication with the customers about upgrading and changing plans for them.
How to set it up?
Video Tutorial