In this section, we will talk about the “Orders” related actions. UChat support below customer related actions:
Get Shop Information
Lookup discount code
Create discount code
Search for draft orders
Create draft orders for one product
Create draft order for multiple products
Create draft order with custom products
Send an invoice for the draft order
Apply discount to draft order
Complete draft order
Get draft order information
Get order information
Now, let’s go over these actions one by one.

Get Shop Info
This action is used to bring up information about your shopify store.

Response Payload
{ "shop": { "id": 1763672130, "name": "CONNECTDOTS DEMO STORE", "email": "", "domain": "UChat Shopify Demo ", "province": "Queensland", "country": "AU", "address1": "49 payne st", "zip": "4068", "city": "indooroopilly", "phone": "0422213688", "latitude": -27.4940251, "longitude": 152.9733169, "primary_locale": "en", "address2": "", "country_code": "AU", "country_name": "Australia", "currency": "AUD", "customer_email": "", "timezone": "(GMT-05:00) America/New_York", "iana_timezone": "America/New_York", "shop_owner": "CONNECTDOTS DEMO STORE Admin", "myshopify_domain": "UChat Shopify Demo " } } |
Create Draft Order For One Product
This action is used to create a draft order for a customer using their customer id and product variant id.

Response Payload
{ "draft_order": { "id": 932211818562, "note": "", "email": null, "taxes_included": false, "currency": "AUD", "invoice_sent_at": null, "created_at": "2023-04-06T23:21:38-04:00", "updated_at": "2023-04-06T23:21:38-04:00", "tax_exempt": false, "completed_at": null, "name": "#D127", "status": "open", "line_items": [ {...} // 20 keys ], "shipping_address": null, "billing_address": null, "invoice_url": "UChat Shopify Demo ", "applied_discount": null, "order_id": null, "shipping_line": null, "tax_lines": [ ], "tags": "", "note_attributes": [ ], "total_price": "45.90", "subtotal_price": "45.90", "total_tax": "0.00", "payment_terms": null, "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932211818562" } } |
Create Draft Order For Multiple Products
This action is used for creating a draft order that includes multiple products of customers using their customer ID

Response Payload
{ "draft_order": { "id": 932213981250, "note": "", "email": null, "taxes_included": false, "currency": "AUD", "invoice_sent_at": null, "created_at": "2023-04-07T00:18:51-04:00", "updated_at": "2023-04-07T00:18:51-04:00", "tax_exempt": false, "completed_at": null, "name": "#D128", "status": "open", "line_items": [ {...} // 20 keys ], "shipping_address": null, "billing_address": null, "invoice_url": "UChat Shopify Demo ", "applied_discount": null, "order_id": null, "shipping_line": null, "tax_lines": [ ], "tags": "", "note_attributes": [ ], "total_price": "45.90", "subtotal_price": "45.90", "total_tax": "0.00", "payment_terms": null, "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932213981250" } } |
Create Draft Order WIth Custom Product
This action is used to create a draft order using a custom product.

Reponse Payload
{ "draft_order": { "id": 932221059138, "note": "", "email": null, "taxes_included": false, "currency": "AUD", "invoice_sent_at": null, "created_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00", "updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00", "tax_exempt": false, "completed_at": null, "name": "#D129", "status": "open", "line_items": [ {...} // 20 keys ], "shipping_address": null, "billing_address": null, "invoice_url": "", "applied_discount": null, "order_id": null, "shipping_line": null, "tax_lines": [ {...} // 3 keys ], "tags": "", "note_attributes": [ ], "total_price": "22.00", "subtotal_price": "20.00", "total_tax": "2.00", "payment_terms": null, "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932221059138" } } |
Send An Invoice Of Draft Order
This action is used to send an invoice of the draft order created to the customer. Please note that the email id used to send the email should be of someone from the staff or someone who has staff privileges.

Response Payload
Apply Discount To A Draft Order
This action is used to apply a discount offer or code to an existing draft order.

Response Payload
{ "draft_order": { "id": 932221059138, "note": "", "email": null, "taxes_included": false, "currency": "AUD", "invoice_sent_at": "2023-04-07T04:24:24-04:00", "created_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00", "updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:29:06-04:00", "tax_exempt": false, "completed_at": null, "name": "#D129", "status": "invoice_sent", "line_items": [ {...} // 20 keys ], "shipping_address": null, "billing_address": null, "invoice_url": "", "applied_discount": { "description": "Start of summer clearance", "value": "20.0", "title": "Summer sale", "amount": "4.00", "value_type": "percentage" }, "order_id": null, "shipping_line": null, "tax_lines": [ {...} // 3 keys ], "tags": "", "note_attributes": [ ], "total_price": "17.60", "subtotal_price": "16.00", "total_tax": "1.60", "payment_terms": null, "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932221059138" } } |
Complete Draft Order
This action is used to either mark a draft order paid or unpaid.

Response Payload
{ "draft_order": { "id": 932221059138, "note": "", "email": null, "taxes_included": false, "currency": "AUD", "invoice_sent_at": "2023-04-07T04:24:24-04:00", "created_at": "2023-04-07T04:17:52-04:00", "updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:35:41-04:00", "tax_exempt": false, "completed_at": "2023-04-07T04:35:41-04:00", "name": "#D129", "status": "completed", "line_items": [ {...} // 20 keys ], "shipping_address": null, "billing_address": null, "invoice_url": "", "applied_discount": { "description": "Start of summer clearance", "value": "20.0", "title": "Summer sale", "amount": "4.00", "value_type": "percentage" }, "order_id": 4877204291650, "shipping_line": null, "tax_lines": [ {...} // 3 keys ], "tags": "", "note_attributes": [ ], "total_price": "17.60", "subtotal_price": "16.00", "total_tax": "1.60", "payment_terms": null, "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/932221059138" } } |
Delete Draft Order
This action is used to delete the draft order using draft order Id.

Respone Payload
Get Draft Order Info
This action is used to fetch information of a particular draft orde using draft orde ID

Response Payload
{ "draft_order": { "id": 932222074946, "note": "", "email": null, "currency": "AUD", "invoice_sent_at": null, "created_at": "2023-04-07T04:44:07-04:00", "updated_at": "2023-04-07T04:44:07-04:00", "status": "open", "line_items": [ {...} // 20 keys ], "invoice_url": "UChat Shopify Demo ", "subtotal_price": "20.00" } } |
Get Order Info
This action is used to fetch information regarding a particular order using Order Id.

Response Payload
{ "order": { "id": 4861820502082, "cancelled_at": null, "closed_at": null, "confirmed": true, "contact_email": "", "created_at": "2023-03-27T18:03:31-04:00", "currency": "AUD", "email": "", "financial_status": "pending", "fulfillment_status": null, "name": "#1036", "number": 36, "order_number": 1036, "order_status_url": "Thank you Test! - CONNECTDOTS DEMO STORE - Checkout ", "phone": null, "processed_at": "2023-03-27T18:03:30-04:00", "reference": "019761d686838bd5f9056c44b791e4ac", "subtotal_price": "24.87", "tax_lines": [ ], "total_discounts": "0.00", "total_line_items_price": "24.87", "total_price": "44.87", "updated_at": "2023-03-27T18:03:32-04:00" } } |