UChat now supports making master templates and gives the ability to the users to update the changes in all the workspaces that the template is installed in from the original workspace in which the master-template was created.

This feature particularly useful for partners, which would want to install and control the templates for their clients as well as restore templates all from their whitelabel workspace.

Creating A Template In UChat

Inside your workspace’s dashboard, click on My Contents and then to My Bot Templates. Click on +New Template to start creating a template.

Select the bot from which you want to source the template from.

Select the type of subflow you want to make the template of.

Select the subflows you want to include inside the template.

Enter the relevant details and enable the Auto-update feature.

After creating the template, copy the installation link and install the template inside another workspace.

Updating Templates In UChat

After installation, click on Flows and open the folder containing the template-subflows.

Users do have the ability to make these subflows editable by detaching them from the master-template.

Come back to your origin workspace which contains the master-template. Edit the subflow and add an update in it.

After updating the subflow, come back to the templates in My Content tab in the workspace’s dashboard.

Click on Update flows and select the updated sublflow the instructions as described previously,

After the template is successfully updated, go back to the workspace in which you installed the template in and observe the templates subflows. They should now reflect the updates we rolled out in the master-template.

Use-Cases For Auto-Update

There can be multiple use cases for this feature. This particularly is useful for partners who want to install templates for their clients and want to update the templates later. They will be able to do this by just updating the master template.

Another usecase is whenever you delete or lose some of the subflows in the workspace which was a part of the template, upon updating the master-template, the deleted subflows are restored as the update re-installs the template in the workspace and thus all flows are restored.

Video Tutorial For Auto-Update Feature
