
The price to enable this feature is a $299 one-time payment.

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After you arrange the payment, this addon will be activated immediately.


In the settings, you can set up font, card, table, Horizontal Menu, and also add your own custom CSS for the customerization we don’t cover.


You can select from the font we support, also you can pick up the font from Bunny Font, and ask our support to add the font into the library.

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Page settings

You can set up the paddings & background for the pages.

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Card Settings

Here is the settings for the card.

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Table Settings

Here is the table settings you can set

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Settings of Horizontal Menu

You can find the settings for the Horizontal Menu here

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Custom CSS

If there are some customerization we don’t offer yet, you can add your own CSS code here

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In this settings, you can change the settings for “Dashboard” “Navbar”, “Sidebar”, “Button” & Text

The color setting options for the dashboard

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The color setting option for the NavBar

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The color setting option for the sidebar

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The color setting option for buttons

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The color setting option for text

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You can set up content in the Navbar, Sidebar, Sidebar Menu, Sidebar Menu Item, Sidebar Pro Badge.

The content setting for NavBar

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The content setting for the Sidebar

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The content setting for the Sidebar Menu

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The content setting for the Sidebar Menu Item

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The content setting for the Sidebar Pro Badge

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