Video Tutorial

UChat now allows its users to add bot users to blacklist. Once added to the blacklist, no messages can be sent to these users.

The advantage of this feature is that it frees you of the worry of accidentally messaging a user that does not want to be contacted, saving you from violating any TCPA regulatory laws.

Note: This feature is only available on SMS bots

If the user texts “STOP” they will automatically be added in the blacklist. If they text “START”, they will be removed from the black list.

Black List Actions

The Blacklist Actions can be found in the Advanced Actions section of the action node.

Search From Blacklist

This action is used to search for users which are already present inside the blacklist using their phone numbers.

The black list can also be studied from the Tools section, under blacklists tab:

Add To Blacklist

This action allows you to add bot users into the black list using their phone number

Remove From Blacklist

This action allows you to remove bot users from the black list using their phone number

Exporting Blacklist

You can export the botusers inside the blacklist from the tools section. The resultant file will be a CSV.

Matched In Blacklist - Trigger:

If a user tries to contact you again, or enters a system when they are already inside the black list, you can use this trigger to execute different conditions and actions.

The trigger will monitor all the bots in the workspace. You can set this trigger in one of the bots to handle exceptions.

You can set this trigger by going to the Automations tab and selecting “Matched In Blacklist” from the drop-down.