Master API Key for Partner API

What is it? What's the user case?

As a partner, managing multiple workspaces can take time and effort. Previously, you needed separate API keys for each workspace. However, with this new feature, you'll have a single master API key. You can use this key, any workspace ID, and your custom domain to manage that workspace efficiently.


Imagine creating a new workspace through the API. Upon creation, you receive a workspace ID in the response. Subsequently, using the master API key along with the workspace ID, you can dynamically and automatically make changes to that workspace.


Obtaining the Master API Key: 

First, acquire the master API key from your main partner workspace. Ensure you're logged into your main partner workspace, navigate to API keys, and any API key within this workspace serves as your master API key.


Locating Your Partner API Endpoints: 

Switch to your workspace, access API keys, and click on API documentation. Make sure you're logged in from your custom domain to view your specific API endpoints.


Adding extra parameters: 

Two additional parameters need inclusion in the request header: 

  • Manage team scope: you will only need x-client-workspace-id

  • Manage flow scope: you will need x-client-flow-ns & x-client-workspace-id

If the scope is “manage team,' only the workspace ID parameter is necessary. 


These parameters depend on the scope of your API endpoints. If the scope is'manage flow,' both parameters are required. 


Setup External Request: 

Create External Request and set it up like follow in the image

  1. In Header set parameter x-client-flow-ns & x-client-workspace-id



  1. Enter your API Key in the Authorization


  1. Go to all bots and copy your flow ns.



Response:If the return code is 200, it indicates success.

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