HTML Script

HTML Script

UChat now allows its partners to embed external scripts directly into the workspace to track the movements of users across the workspaces.


The users can now employ platforms like Google Tag Manager or Facebook Pixel to embed their script directly into their Partner workspace and get live data into these platforms from their Partner domain to the embedded platform.


Accessing The Add-on

On your partner workspace, go to your whitelabel settings, scroll over to Partner settings and click on Custom addons


Once done, scroll down till you find “HTML Script” addon and enable it



Click on the Settings buttons


You can paste the external script from the platform in here and then click on “Save”


Google Tag Manager Script

You can fetch the GTG installation script by clicking on the top right icon and “Install Google Tag Manager”


The script:



new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','[Enter your GTM Container ID Here]');


Note: You can fetch the GTM Container ID directly from your GTM Dashboard


Video tutorial


User case: Track UTM Source & Affiliate ID on the sign up page