

Greeting Text

Greeting text will be shown before users' interaction.

To setup:


Click "Settings" from the left sidebar, put your greeting text and click "Save". That's it!


Note - Only the owner of this account can see the "Settings" option.


This is how it looks like on the user side:

Chat Widget Customisation

Facebook Chat Plugin supports the following customizations: Guest Mode, Alignment, Bottom Spacing.

If you click “Edit”, you will find more options as per below screenshot:

Authorize Websites

If you want to your Facebook Messenger widget to show at the bottom of your website, please note, the website url need to be authorized.

You can add your website domain in this setting. and The limits are 50 website URLs.

Ice Breakers

You can add & edit up to 10 items.

You can link the questions to the chatbot flows as per the screenshot below


Video tutorial

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