Overview (mini-app 2.0)

Overview (mini-app 2.0)


Create New App


Follow steps 1 to 7 in the above screenshot to create a version 2 app and enter the app builder.

Process Overview

Usually, an app is built in the following order:


What to do


What to do

  1. Settings

set up basic app info

  1. Auth

set up app authentication(auth inputs)

  1. Actions

add app action, edit action info and specify action inputs

  1. Flows

edit subflows for the action, get action outputs

  1. Actions

specify action outputs

  1. App Fields

edit fields whenever you need to

  1. Triggers

add trigger if you need to

  1. One Time Urls

add one-time URLs if you need to

  1. Sources

add sources for action inputs if you need to

10. Testing

install the draft app in your workspace and test it

11. Publish

submit for review if you want it to be publicly accessible


Full Demo Available

A payment gateway, Razorpay, will be used as an example of how to create and edit a Mini-App in version 2.0 from the very beginning to publishing. To learn with the demo, check Razorpay Demo. You might also want to check each section separately.


Workshop - How to use and build mini app 2.0

