Export Jobs
UChat now allows its users to export all bot users (or filtered bot users) into a csv file and download it directly.
Previously we sent the CSV file via email but due to SMTP issues for partners and other email-related issues, we changed the feature to now support in-platform download option.
Export Job expires after 7 days of its creation
Accessing Export Job
Go into your flow builder and click on the bot user’s tab. Apply a filter on bot users (or if you want all bot users) and click the download icon button at the top right.
A prompt will appear stating to export the selected bot users.
Another prompt will appear, ignore the wording that the exported csv will be sent to your email, instead go into tools section
Clicking on the download button will save the CSV file to your device
If you are importing contacts into the bot users, the import progress & status will also show up in this section.