Date/time based Trigger
This is a checklist that serves as a guide when using date and datetime triggers to avoid confusion.
General Guidelines
For both date and date time triggers, make sure that the date or time assigned is always in future. Past dates and times fails the trigger from starting. This is the default behaviour of the platform.
For Channels where timezone is provided by default (webchat, Facebook, Instagram etc) the timezone of the bot user is used for date time triggers.
For Channels where timezone is NOT provided by default, the timezone of the workspace is used for the date time triggers.
UChat will treat all date and date time userfields in UTC time as default, hence if timezone is not provided, the system assumes its in UTC time and then offsets as per the timezone of the user or the workspace,
Date Trigger
Make sure the format of the date when saved inside the date field is UTC standardized. An example of UTC format for date is “YYYY-MM-DD”. Other formats include:
Localized date formats will always cause issues as they are not recognized by the system and will create offsets not synced with the actual time.
Date Time Trigger
Make sure the format of the date time when saved inside the date time field is UTC format. The defacto standard format for date time is “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+Z”
YYYY represents the year
MM represents the month
DD represents the day
T represents the separation between date and time
hh represents the hour
mm represents the minutes
ss represents the seconds
Z represents the timezone (Such as +05:00 or -02:00)