Conversation is done/pending/invalid/spam/open
Title: Conversation Status - Triggers
We have different statuses for our live chats. Agents can change the chat's status by marking the conversation as Opened, Pending, Done, or Invalid. We have a trigger for each of these statuses; whenever the status changes, the corresponding trigger will activate.
In the live chat, where to change the status:
Where to Find the Trigger:
On your left sidebar, go to Automation -> Triggers -> New Trigger. There you will find these triggers.
Conversation is Opened – Trigger:
This trigger will activate when a chat's status changes to Open or is opened.
Conversation is Pending– Trigger:
This trigger will activate when a chat's status changes to pending.
Conversation is Done– Trigger:
This trigger will activate when a chat's status changes to done.
Conversation is Invalid– Trigger:
This trigger will activate when a chat's status changes to invalid.