Partner Addon - Api Chat Channel
When this partner addon is enabled, the client’s workspace will be able to set webhook for api chat channel.
Initial setup
Enable partner addon, Api Chat
set api chat webhook for workspace through partner api, the webhook url need to be verified
bot_url from the set api chat webhook response, will be used to send messages from bot user
check example payload for different type of messageswhen bot reply or agent reply, the message payload will be sent to provided api chat webhook url with signature in the header
Partner Api to get/set/remove webhook
You need to use your partner api key for authentication
- Get webhook
GET {{baseUrl}}/api/partner/workspace/{{workspace_id}}/apichat-webhook
Request body: (empty)
Sample response,
"status": "ok",
"data": {
"webhook_url": "https://your-webhook-url/",
"webhook_verification_key": "VERIFICATION_TOKEN",
"webhook_status": "verified",
"bot_url": "{{unique_code_to_bot}}"
- Set webhook
POST {{baseUrl}}/api/partner/workspace/{{workspace_id}}/set-apichat-webhook
Request body:
"webhook_url": "https://your-webhook-url/",
"webhook_verification_key": "VERIFICATION_TOKEN"
Note: three parameters will be sent to your webhook url via POST
: the value will be “subscribe
: the value will be the same value from your request body “webhook_verification_key“, as the sample above, the value will be VERIFICATION_TOKEN
: the value will be random string, e.g. 205c40409f9bcdeb9e00614b442c5fdd
You need to verify the verification key and return the text response output with the content from parameter hub_challenge
as body, e.g. 205c40409f9bcdeb9e00614b442c5fdd
Sample response, (success)
"status": "ok",
"data": {
"webhook_url": "https://your-webhook-url/",
"webhook_verification_key": "VERIFICATION_TOKEN",
"webhook_status": "verified",
"bot_url": "{{unique_code_to_bot}}"
- Remove webhook
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/api/partner/workspace/{{workspace_id}}/remove-apichat-webhook
Request body: (empty)
Sample response,
"status": "ok",
"data": {
"webhook_url": "",
"webhook_verification_key": "",
"webhook_status": "",
"bot_url": ""
Workspace Api to send messages
You need to use your flow api key for authentication, requires manage flow permission
- Send Text Message
Request body:
"content": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
"message_type": "incoming",
"sender": {
"id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "",
"type": "contact"
"conversation_id": 123,
"event": "message_created"
- Send Button Payload
Request body:
"content": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
"message_type": "incoming",
"sender": {
"id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "",
"type": "contact"
"conversation_id": 123,
"event": "message_postback",
"submitted_values": [
"title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
"payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
- Send Image
Request body:
"content": "",
"message_type": "incoming",
"sender": {
"id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "",
"type": "contact"
"conversation_id": 123,
"event": "message_created",
"attachments": [
"file_type": "image",
"data_url": "{{IMAGE URL}}"
- Send Audio
Request body:
"content": "",
"message_type": "incoming",
"sender": {
"id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "",
"type": "contact"
"conversation_id": 123,
"event": "message_created",
"attachments": [
"file_type": "audio",
"data_url": "{{AUDIO URL}}"
- Send Video
Request body:
"content": "",
"message_type": "incoming",
"sender": {
"id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "",
"type": "contact"
"conversation_id": 123,
"event": "message_created",
"attachments": [
"file_type": "video",
"data_url": "{{VIDEO URL}}"
- Send File
Request body:
"content": "",
"message_type": "incoming",
"sender": {
"id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"name": "{{BOT USER NAME}}",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "",
"type": "contact"
"conversation_id": 123,
"event": "message_created",
"attachments": [
"file_type": "file",
"data_url": "{{FILE URL}}"
Webhook payload
When the bot or agent send a message, your webhook url l receive the message payload. For each request, you can check the following headers.
X-Hub-Signature-256: this is used to verify the payload
x-flow-ns: this is the flow ns for your bot
x-action: this is the webhook action type, the value is "messages"
Sample php code to verify the payload signature
$payload = request()->body();
$verification_key = "{{VERIFICATION_TOKEN}}";
$sign = 'sha256='.hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $verification_key);
//you need to check the header signature value is matched
request()->header('X-Hub-Signature-256') == $sign
- Receive Text Message
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
"type": "text",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false
- Receive Button Template
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
"type": "text",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false,
"content_type": "button_template",
"content_attributes": {
"text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
"payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
"type": "postback",
"title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
"payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
- Receive Generic Template (Card/Carousel)
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"text": "{{TEXT MESSAGE}}",
"type": "text",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false,
"content_type": "generic_template",
"content_attributes": {
"ratio": "horizontal",
"items": [
"title": "{{TITLE}}",
"image_url": "{{IMAGE URL}}",
"item_url": null,
"subtitle": "{{SUBTITLE}}",
"default_action": null,
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
"payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
"title": "{{TITLE}}",
"image_url": "{{IMAGE URL}}",
"item_url": null,
"subtitle": "{{SUBTITLE}}",
"default_action": null,
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"title": "{{BUTTON TITLE}}",
"payload": "{{BUTTON PAYLOAD}}"
- Receive Image Message
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"url": "{{IMAGE URL}}",
"type": "image",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false
- Receive Audio Message
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"url": "{{AUDIO URL}}",
"type": "audio",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false
- Receive Video Message
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"url": "{{VIDEO URL}}",
"type": "video",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false
- Receive File Message
"sender_id": "{{UNIQUE BOT USER ID}}",
"conv_id": 123,
"url": "{{FILE URL}}",
"type": "file",
"message_type": "outgoing",
"private": false