Custom Domain

Custom Domain

By default, UChat supports you to use a free Cloudflare account to set up your custom domain because Cloudflare offers free SSL you can use right away.

If you donโ€™t want to use cloudflare to manage your custom domain, you need to reach out to support. We can help you set up SSL to your custom domain, but there will be extra charges to set this up.

If you plan to use Cloudflare to manage your domain, here is a tutorial for you to migrate your domain to their platform. Transfer your domain to Cloudflare ยท Cloudflare Registrar docs

After you migrate your domain to cloudflare, you need to go to the DNS settings, and add the A record as per the screenshot below


You need to add an A record. And also make sure you provide the name correctly.

For example, if your domain is http://abc.com , and you want your custom domain to point at chatbot.abc.com

Then you only need to type chatbot in the Name field.

Make sure you point this A record to the ip address 45.76,126,32, and also turn on the proxy settings.

Next, you need to go to the SSL/TLS settings, and you need to put your SSL encryption mode to Flexible.


After all the settings, you need to wait for a few hours for the DNS to populate, and then you should be accessible to your custom domain with a free SSL certificate.

While you are waiting for the DNS to populate, you can check the status through the website below:

Make sure you type your full custom domain name, and then select A type, as per the screenshot below:

Wait until you see all the green checks, and then your DNS has populated. Now if you visit your custom domain, you should be able to access your custom domain with ssl enabled.

You can also watch this youtube video to set up your custom domain.


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