Addons Credit Billing

Addons Credit Billing

What is this setting for?

For partners, we offer 3 plans by default, you can customerize these plans to your own need. What will happen if the user reach to the plan limits?

For the workspace under the partner domain, once the plan limits is reached, no matter it’s bot users, or bots, members, the workspace will be paused.

Your customer will have the options to:

  • Upgrade to the higher plan, and then the bot will resume if the current limits is within the higher plan limits.

  • Purchase points and then use the points to purchase the add-ons they need. Once the plan limit is increased, their workspace will resume.

  • Adjust and keep within plan limits: Your customer can delete extra bot, extra member, etc to stay within the plan limits.


So this add-on credit billing is very flexible for your customer. They can have their own plan limits beside the 3 default plans.

They can just purchase 1 extra bot instead of upgrading to a much higher plan with 5 extra bots which they don’t use.


Also, If they only need 1000 extra bot users, and they don’t need to upgrade to the higher plan which offers 50,000 bot users.

And lastly, the partner will be reliefed from communication with the customers about upgrading and changing plans for them.

How to set it up?

In order to set up add-on credit billing you will need to:

  • Connect Stripe account in your main partner workspace, and make sure it’s in the live mode.

  • Using Stripe “internal billing” for the billing option

  • Turn on the “Credit Billing For Addons” in the partner settings.

  • Set up the selling price for the addons in the “Addons Credit Billing”

Now, Let’s go through the settings one by one.

Connect Stripe account

You will need to go to your partner workspace, and then integration and then connect your Stripe account, and put it into the live mode.

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All your customer’s purchase of add-on will go directly to this Stripe account.


Turn on Credit billing for add-ons

You will need to go to “partner settings” and enable the “Credit billing for Addons”.

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Set up the add-on price you want to sell

After you turn on the settings, if you go to the “Partner Settings”, click the dropdown, you will find the “Adds-On Credit Billing” option.

Click it, you will see the below screenshot.

There will be 3 sections as show above.

Cost price of the add-on

In the section A, you will find all the cost price of the add-on we offer:

  • Extra bot, $5 per month

  • Extra member, $5 per month

  • Extra 1000 bot users, $5 per month

  • Extra 10,000 bot users, $30 per month

  • Inbound webhook - Extra 1000 request, $20 per month

  • OpenAI/External Request Timeout Extension - Extra 10 seconds, $20 per month

Your customers will have the options to purchase these add-ons when they need it.

Your selling price/points

In the section B, this is the content that your customer will see. Your customer will not see the cost price of the add-on.

They will see how many points it will cost them, and also the labels you are using.

It will show up like this at the customer’s side.

Topup Options

In the section C, you will find the options you can offer to your customer, so that they can purchase the points from you.

It’s very flexible for you to set up the options.

Since it’s linked to your Stripe account, so any currency that Stripe support(135+ currencies), you can create the options for that currency.

Also you can give different points depending on how much the customer is charging. It can be like if you charge $10, you will get 10 points, but if you charge $100, you will get $150 discount, etc.

This is the front end option for the customer.

The user can select the add-on package they want to purchase, and then click the “ Pay now” button on the pop up window.

Then it will open a Stripe checkout page, which is linked to your Stripe account.

Once the payment is done, the points will be added to your workspace, and then you can use those points to purchase the add-on you need.


Turn on Auto Topup option

Once the user have purchased the add-on with the points. it’s important to renew these add-on in the following month.

The user will need to turn on the auto top option, this will automatically purchase the package you selected, and then use those points to renew the add-on in the coming month.

If they don’t select the auto-top up option, their workspace will be most likely be paused in the coming month.

Because the customer might used extra bot or member, or bot users in the current plan, but the add-on isn’t renewed, and then the workspace have exceeded the limits of the plan.

The workspace will be paused if the add-on isn’t renewed on time.

Cancel the paid add-on

In the previous section, we have discussed the user need to purchase the points and use those points to purchase add-on, and also need to keep the auto-top up option enabled.

If the user don’t need the add-on anymore, and they want to cancel the add-on, what is the process?

The user need to contact the support and then partner will need to remove the add-on manually for now.

The partner need to go to “White label settings”, and then go to “Workspaces”, and select the workspace they want to remove add-on, and then click “Change plan” as per the screenshot below

You can scroll down from the popup window, and then you will see the existing purchased add-on.

You can delete the add-on that the customer don’t need.

Manually adjust points

As the partners, you will have the options to add extra points or deduce the points for your customer. You can reward them with extra points as bonus or deduce the points that is required to adjust.

You can go to “White label Settings”, and then “Workspaces”, and then you will see the option of “points” in the workspace list page.

If you click on the points, in the popup window, you can add the points or deduce the points from their account.

You can add or use minus to adjust the points as per the screenshot above.

Video Tutorial
