Merge Bot Users

Merge Bot User

The Merge Bot User feature allows you to merge two user profiles into one, consolidating chat histories, attributes, and other relevant data. This is useful for combining duplicate users and ensuring that all information is unified under a single profile.

How to Use the Merge Bot User Feature

Steps to Merge Users:

  1. Open the Bot User Profile

    • In the Live Chat interface, locate the user you want to merge by selecting their profile from the list of conversations in live chat.

    • Click on the user’s name to open their profile.

  2. Access the Merge Option

    • In the user profile panel, find the three-dot menu (⋮) in the top-right corner.

    • Click on Merge Bot User from the dropdown menu.

  1. Select the Secondary User

    • In the Merge Bot User dialog box, you’ll see the selected profile automatically designated as the Primary User on the left.

    • Use the Choose User dropdown under Secondary User to select the user you want to merge with the primary one. This secondary user’s data will be combined into the primary profile.

  1. Review Details Before Merging

    • Before confirming the merge, you can choose whether to delete or keep the Secondary User profile after merge.

    • Ensure all details are correct, as the merging process is irreversible.

    • The dialog box will display both users' data for comparison, allowing you to verify which profiles are being merged.

  2. Complete the Merge

    • Once reviewed, click in the Merge button at the bottom right of the dialog box.

    • A confirmation light box will appear with the message: "All relevant data from the Secondary User will be transferred to the Primary User." You can then choose to Cancel or Confirm the merge.



Automating the Merge using Bot User API Action Node

You can set up an automated flow to merge duplicate bot users using the Bot User API action node in your flow. This allows you to automatically identify and merge duplicate users based on specific conditions, such as matching email addresses or phone numbers.

Steps to Set Up the Automation:

  1. Create a New Flow

    • In the UChat platform, create a new flow or open an existing one where you want to implement the merge action.

  2. Add the Bot User API Action Node

    • Before of the Condition node, add an Action node and select Bot User API as the action type to search bot users duplicated.



  1. Add a Condition Node

    • Insert a Condition node to check for duplicate users. This can involve comparing values such as email or phone number between the current user and other users in the system.



  1. Add the Bot User API Action Node

    • After the Condition node, add an Action node and select Bot User API as the action type.

    • Set the Action to "Merge Bot User."

  1. Configure the Merge Bot User Settings

    • In the Bot User API action node settings:

      • Provide the Secondary Bot User Ns (the duplicate user profile to be merged).

      • Choose whether to Delete after merged to automatically delete the secondary user after merging.

  1. Publish the Flow

    • Once configured, publish the flow. You can set up this flow in a trigger by your choice to enable automatic merging of duplicate bot users whenever the specified conditions are met, ensuring a streamlined and unified user database.


Important Notes:

  • Merging is Irreversible: Once merged, you cannot undo this action. Ensure that both profiles are verified duplicates before proceeding.