Average Resolution Time
The average time taken for the first agent to send the first response from the time when the conversation is first time opened, only calculate the time within the office hours
The Average Resolution Time is a crucial metric that helps us assess the efficiency of our customer service process. This metric indicates the average time it takes to resolve and close a conversation. Below are the details of this metric:
Average Resolution Time
This line chart shows the average time it takes to resolve a conversation from start to finish. Monitoring this metric allows us to identify trends and possible delays in the resolution process, helping us implement continuous improvements.
Resolution Time Breakdown
This bar chart shows the distribution of resolution times across different time intervals. It helps us understand how long conversations take to be resolved and whether there are specific patterns that can be optimized for more efficient service.
Below is a visual example of these charts:
Average Time from First Assignment to Closure
The average time taken for first time close a conversation from the time when the conversation is first assigned, only calculate the time within the office hours
To monitor the efficiency of our resolution process from the beginning, we analyze the Average Time from First Assignment to Closure. This metric helps us understand how long it takes from when a conversation is first assigned to an agent until it is resolved and closed. Below are the details of this metric:
Average Time from First Assignment to Closure
This line graph shows the average time it takes for a conversation to be closed after its first assignment. It helps us evaluate the effectiveness of the resolution process from start to finish and identify areas that may need improvement.
Breakdown of Time from First Assignment to Closure
This bar chart shows the distribution of closure times in different time intervals after the first assignment. It helps identify how quickly issues are being resolved and if there are specific steps that can be optimized for faster closure.
Below is a visual example of these graphs:
Average Time from Last Assignment to Closure
The average time taken to close a conversation calculated from the time when the conversation is last assigned, only calculate the time within the office hours
To better understand the efficiency in resolving conversations, we analyze the Average Time from Last Assignment to Closure. This metric indicates how long it takes from when a conversation is last assigned to an agent until it is finally resolved and closed. Below are the details of this metric:
Average Time from Last Assignment to Closure
This line graph shows the average time it takes for a conversation to be closed after its last assignment. It helps us evaluate the effectiveness of closing conversations and identify any potential delays.
Breakdown of Time from Last Assignment to Closure
This bar chart shows the distribution of closure times in different time intervals after the last assignment. It helps identify the efficiency of the final resolution process and if there are steps that can be optimized for faster closure.
Below is a visual example of these graphs:
Average Time to First Assignment
The average time taken to assign a conversation to the first assignee from the time when the conversation is opened, only calculate the time within the office hours
To monitor workflow efficiency and ensure conversations are handled promptly, we analyze the Average Time to First Assignment. This metric shows how long it takes for a conversation to be assigned to an agent after it is received. Below are the details of this metric:
Average Time to First Assignment
This line graph shows the average time it takes for a conversation to be assigned to an agent. It helps us evaluate how quickly conversations are being directed towards resolution.
Breakdown of Time to First Assignment
This bar chart shows the distribution of assignment times across different time intervals. It helps identify the efficiency of the assignment process and whether there are significant delays that need to be addressed.
Below is a visual example of these graphs:
Average Handling Time and Assignments
The total amount of time that the conversation was being handled by agents. A conversation is being handled when it is assigned to any agent and has a status of Open, only calculate the time within the office hours
To further improve customer service, we monitor the Average Handling Time and the Number of Assignments until Closure. These metrics provide detailed insights into agent efficiency and workload. Below are the details of these metrics:
Average Handling Time
This line graph shows the average time an agent takes to handle a conversation from start to resolution. It is important for evaluating the efficiency of customer service and identifying areas that may need optimization.
Breakdown of Average Handling Time
This bar chart shows the distribution of handling times across different time intervals. It helps identify how long conversations typically take to be resolved, providing insights into possible improvements in the service process.
Average Number of Assignments until Closure
The average number of assignments before close the conversation, Unassign also consider as one assignment count.
This line graph shows the average number of times a conversation is assigned to different agents before it is closed. This can indicate the complexity of customer issues or the need for additional agent training.
Breakdown of Number of Assignments until Closure
This bar chart shows the percentage of conversations closed after a certain number of assignments. It helps understand the efficiency of the workflow and whether adjustments are needed to reduce the number of transfers between agents.
Below is a visual example of these graphs: