Bot Users Report

Bot Users Report

This report tracks data about the users interacting with the bot, offering a detailed view of user profiles and behavior.

Steps to Access:

  1. Within your bot, go to Analytics.


  1. Select Bot Users from the left-side menu.

Available Report Types

  1. Bot user count statistics

This section provides a comprehensive view of bot user statistics, with detailed charts on total bot users, new bot users, active bot users, and daily average active bot users.

1.1 Total Bot Users

  • Line Graph: The graph shows a steady increase in the total number of bot users over the period.

1.2 New Bot Users

  • Line Graph: The graph shows daily fluctuations in the number of new bot users, with evident peaks on specific dates.

1.3 Active Bot Users

  • Line Graph: The graph shows the activity of bot users over the period, with a significant peak on a specific date.

1.4 Daily Average of Active Users

  • Line Graph: The graph indicates the daily average of active users, providing a clear view of daily engagement.

Utility of the Graphs

  • Growth Evaluation: The graphs help monitor the growth in the number of bot users.

  • Identification of Activity Peaks: Allows identification of dates with high activity, which can be correlated with specific events.

  • Daily Engagement: The daily average of active users helps evaluate the continuous engagement of users with the bot.

Below is a visual example of the graphs:


  1. Bot Usage Statistics

This section provides a comprehensive view of bot usage statistics, including the number of messages sent and received, emails sent, and email open rate. Detailed graphs on new bot users categorized by gender, language, time zone, country, platform, and device type are also provided.

2.1 Messages and Emails

  • Messages Sent

  • Messages Received

  • Emails Sent

  • Email Open Rate


2.2 New Bot Users

The following graphs show the distribution of new bot users across various categories.

  • Gender

  • Language

  • Time Zone

  •  Country

  • Platform

  • Device Type


Utility of the Graphs

  • Messages and Emails Analysis: Allows monitoring the volume of messages and emails generated by the bot and the email open rate, helping to assess the effectiveness of email campaigns.

  • User Profile: The graphs provide insights into the profile of new users, allowing for better segmentation and personalization of interactions.

Below is a visual example of the graphs:


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