
Message Reports

This report provides detailed information about the volume of messages sent and received in your channel, allowing you to monitor user activity and engagement over time.

Steps to Access:

  1. Within your bot, go to Analytics.


  1. Select Messages from the left-side menu.



Available Report Types


Analysis of Received and Sent Messages

This section details the metrics of received and sent messages over a specific period. The charts help visualize the fluctuations in communication and compare them to previous periods.

Line Charts

Received Messages:
  • The orange line represents the received messages in the current period.

  • The gray line represents the received messages in the previous period.

Sent Messages:
  • The blue line represents the sent messages in the current period.

  • The gray line represents the sent messages in the previous period.

Usefulness of the Charts
  • Volume Analysis: Helps understand the volume of communication on different days, identifying patterns of high and low activity.

  • Performance Evaluation: Assists in evaluating the effectiveness of responses and engagement with users.

  • Period Comparison: Comparative visualization between different periods helps identify trends and potential areas for improvement.

Below is a visual example of the charts:


Analysis of Agent Messages, Private Notes, and Emails

This section provides a detailed overview of agent messages, private notes, and emails sent and opened during a specific period. The charts allow for a clear comparison between the current and previous periods, helping to assess performance and identify trends.

Agent Messages

  • Line Chart:

    • The green line represents agent messages in the current period.

    • The gray line represents agent messages in the previous period.

Private Notes

  • Line Chart:

    • The blue line represents private notes in the current period.

    • The gray line represents private notes in the previous period.

Emails Sent

  • Line Chart:

    • The light blue line represents emails sent in the current period.

    • The gray line represents emails sent in the previous period.

Emails Opened

  • Line Chart:

    • The orange line represents emails opened in the current period.

    • The gray line represents emails opened in the previous period.

Usefulness of the Charts

  • Performance Evaluation: The charts help understand the efficiency of agent communication and the use of private notes.

  • Email Analysis: Allows evaluation of reach and engagement through sent and opened emails.

  • Trend Identification: Comparing periods helps identify changes and make informed decisions.

Below is a visual example of the charts:



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