What are the Platform default limits?

What are the Platform default limits?

Below you will find the default platform limits. some can be increased according to a connected paid addon.





Max execution time

40 seconds

Max Step Points

80 points

Default timeout for external request

15 seconds

Default timeout for OpenAI action

30 seconds

UChat Native Object Storage Limit

1 Gb

Max Total Nodes


Smart Delays

100 per user per 24 hours

Max Inbound Webhooks Requests

500 per 24 hours

Max OpenAI Embeddings


Uchat API Requests

1000 per hour

Googlesheet filter limit

Up till 5000th entry

Googlesheet API limit

3 requests per second

Broadcast error rate limits

No more than 100 errors within 5 mins

Chat history across all channels(send from user)

4 months

Chat history across all channels(send from bot)

3 months

Max file upload size limits


Media file size storage limits

100MB(free plan); 1GB(paid plan)

WhatsApp Media File Expire date

For meta cloud api, it’s 30 days by default; If you have connected S3 storage in the integration, the expire date is the same as the chat history.

Total Date/Time triggers

50 per bot


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