Multiple language support

Multiple language support

UChat support multiple languages, and you can find the multiple language settings in your user profile as per screenshot below

and then you can find the multiple language options under the below settings:

Here is the languages UCha currently support:

  • English

  • 简体中文

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Hebrew

  • Portuguese(Brazil)

  • Turkish


Partner language settings

As UChat partners, you will have the options to set up the default languages in your white label settings. then every workspace under your custom domain, they will use that default language by default.

The user stil have the option to change into other language in their own settiings as per the instruction above.

Help us transalte the platform to your own languages

If you want to help us translate the platform into your own language, here is how you can help. We appreciated your time and effort to bring our platform to reach more global audience.


Download the lauguage source file

You can download the source file fromGitHub - uchat-com-au/language , and we have front-end & backend files.

/en.json is for front end

/backend/en.json is for back end

Please note, when translate the languages in JSON file, you must not change the content of the key, only translate the content of the value.

Use online 3rd party for easy start

Since there are a lot of content need to be translated, we suggest you use some 3rd platform to have the basic translation ready, and then you can make changes on their translation.

There are service like hotpot.ai, you can find the link below:


The free plan have some limitation of 100 character limits, you might need to copy & paste multiple times, or use some other JSON translation service to get started.


Send the file to support after the translation

After you complete the translation of the both front-end and backend files, send to support through email. we will review it and then update in our system.

We thanks for your time & effort.


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