Hire expert to build your bots

Hire expert to build your bots

In this section, we will show you how to hire experts to build your bots.

In UChat, we have been training users to be UChat-certified chatbot builders.

All the certified chatbot builders know our platform and can perform different tasks, we have 3 different levels.

  • Silver Level

  • Gold Level

  • Expert level


And also we assigned different skills for them to familiarise themselves with our platform. so you will be able to find the certified skills for each chatbot builder.

Join UChat certified program

You can find more information about our program here, and if you are interested, you can submit the form and add to our waiting list


Hire Certified chatbot builders to build the bot for you.

You can find all the certified chatbot builders on this page, and also you can sort by the country, the language they speak, or the certified level & certified skills.

More details here:


Hire UChat to build the bot

UChat offer paid consulting service as well, you can find more detail here:


You can contact UChat team to offer you guides or actually hands-on build the bot for you.

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