Dashboard Page
The cost of loading page is $199 one time payment.
Once the purchase is done, the setting will be activate immediately.
In this settings, you will have the option to set up page, message box, card about welcome message, Total bot users, Active Bot Users, Plan, Channels, Audit logs, Error Logs, What’s New, Video, Community & Help center.
In the page section, you can set up the page padding, Gap, and bord radius.
Message Box
In the message box, you can set up the notification or announcement you want to share to all the workspaces under your custom domain.
You can write the title, description, and also upload an image and adjust the background color and text color.
Welcome & Total Bot User & Active Bot Users Card
You can find these 3 cards as per the screenshot below
And in each of the card, you can customerize the width, style, paddings, text alignment, and many other settings.
Plan & Channel Cards
You will have the similar control over the plan card & channels card as per the screenshot below
Audit Logs & Error Logs & Whats New Card
You can choose to show the error logs, audit logs, and what’s new in the dashboard.
The audit log will show the important actions happen in your workspace, like add/delete bot, add/delete flows, etc.
The error logs will provide an overview of the status of your chatbots, you can fix the issue in the timely manner.
What’s new can be the section you can share to your customers about the updates & new features on the platform.
Video & Community & Help Center Card
We offer the default 3 sections under the dashboard, it looks like this:
In the partner white label settings, you can customerize the links to your own links.
But with this add-on option, you can actually change the image, title, description and the links it’s redirect to.
In the color settings, you can customerize the background, border, title, and content color.
In the sort section, you can order all the cards on the dashboard, and make a personal and unique order only for your workspaces.
You just need simply drap & drop the cards in the orders you want.