User Permissions
The cost of loading page is $199 one time payment.
Once the purchase is done, the setting will be activate immediately.
Why you need this?
By default, UChat offer below different roles:
Live Chat Agent Supervisor
Live Chat Agent
You can find more details about our role settings here.
However, if you still want to fine tune the permission/access for every member, you can now do it with the permission add-on.
Only the workspace owner can customerize the user permissions.
Once you purchased this add-on, you can find the settings at:
Workspace Settings -> Members -> Workspace Members -> Permissions
And once you click the permission option above, you can find below permission you can customerize access at the member level
Navbar - Create Workspace
Navbar - Live Chat
Upload Files
Agent Group Chat
Template Store
My Content - My Mini-Apps
My Content - My Bot Templates
My Content - Email Templates
My Content - Media Library
Workspace Settings
Custom Menus
Whitelabel Settings
Bot - Flows
Bot - Analytics
Bot - Live Chat
Bot - Boards
Bot - Automation
Bot - Contents
Bot - Tools
Bot - Broadcasts
Bot - Settings
Bot - WebChat Widget
You can move the permission you don’t want to give to the right side.
It’s very flexible for you to control personal access at the user’s level.
Video Tutorial