IP Whitelist

IP Whitelist

Video Tutorial

This new feature allows Partners to let their clients access workspaces from only certain specific IP Addresses or locations.

For example, if a client wants their live agents to only access the workspace from their Office locations, the partner can then use this location to enable that client to fulfil this usecase.

Accessing the Add-on

From your partner workspace dashboard, scroll down and click on the whitelabel settings, then select Partner Settings and select Custom Addons



Scroll down and enable the “IP Whitelist” addon


Click on “Settings” button to start adding locations/IPs

Setting Up IP Locations

Click on “Whitelist Ips” button to start addin a new entree

Fill in all the required information and then hit the “create” button to add a new entree

Note: Only one “entree” per workspace is required. If multiple entrees are recorded for a workspace, UChat will only process the one at the top and ignore the rest of the entrees.


Note: Multiple IPs within the same entrees are allowed

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