Global Contacts

Global Contacts


The cost of loading page is $99 one time payment.

Once the purchase is done, the setting will be activate immediately.

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Do you need it or not?

Honestly not every partner need this add-on, but if your customer have multiple bots(like SMS numbers) in the same workspace, and they want their live chat agent to manage the conversation more easily.

So that they don’t need to keep switching bots, then this add-on is perfect for you.

With this add-on, you can consolidate all the contacts across different bots in the same workspace. If you use this add-on with our workspace label, it will boost your live chat agent performance dramatically.


How to use it

Once you purchased this add-on, you will need to go to the “Live chat” at the navigation bar, and once you open that, you will find the “Global contacts” in the left sidebar.

It’s called “Search Bot Users”.

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You will see 3 options:

  • All

  • Me

  • Unassigned

This will follow the “Conversation visibility” in the omni channel settings.

You can filter by the bots, by the name, phone & email.

Also you can click the filter icon, and using all the system fields & condition to built out your own segment.

The segment can be public or private. Please note, only admin users can create public segement.

Also you can use the normal conversation status filter in the left sidebar, All, open, pending, spam, invalid, Done, unanswered, unsubscribed.

The unanswered status is the filter based on the last message send by the user, which is not replied yet.

You can customersize the column by click the setting icon at the right sidebar, and then select the value you want to show. Also, you can move the label up & down to adjust the orders.

For the date/time valued based label, you can click the column header to order or re-order the sequence of that column.


Video Tutorial
