Business plan - how many comments will be responded?

Business plan - how many comments will be responded?

UChat does not operate on the per conversation model but rather per subscriber model. Any person who interacts (DM/Comment) with the Chatbot becomes a subscriber/bot user.


A standard business plan has 1000 bot users limit. This includes people who interact with your chatbot via DM messages and comments. This limit is shared between all the chatbots created in a workspace.


The limit of 1000 bot users is on workspace level instead of chatbot level. So if you have 2 chatbots in your workspace (e.g 1 Facebook chatbot + 1 WhatsApp chatbot), both chatbots will share the same user limit for the workspace which is 1000 in total for both chatbots.


A chatbot will continue to engage with users/leads/customers via DMs or comment replies till the count reaches 1000 bot users.


After the count reaches 1000 users, the bot will not stop but will rather start deleting the first user with the highest last interaction time to accommodate the new user.

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